Kenya Artwork Comes to Wisconsin
A fun new store front in Tomahawk, WI has items for sale from our travels. 100% of the proceeds goes to the work we do in Kenya.
Stop in an check out their wide selection at
114 West Wisconsin Avenue
Tomahawk, WI 54487
Current Project
We are currently working on building a community center that will spur economic growth in the region east of the Maasai Mara Game Reserve. The center will provide tourists with a cafe and curio shop while supplying locals a market for their hand-crafted wares and vocational training to increase the quality and variety of their work.

Now Taking New Volunteers
We are currently planning our next trip to Kenya! We are keeping our eyes on the COVID-19 outbreak, and we hope that travelling abroad will be possible soon.
Please contact us with a little information about yourself and your interest in volunteering with us!